Should Homeowners Prepare Their HVAC System for Spring?

Apr 8, 2022 | Air Filter, AC, Blog, HVAC, Maintenance, OH, Ohio, Spring, Springfield

We still have a few chilly days ahead of us here in Ohio, but the warmth that spring introduces is right around the corner. While we may feel ready for spring to begin, what about our homes? To not overwhelm ourselves by putting off our spring cleaning, we should start directing our attention to the chores that need to be accomplished to better our home conditions for the spring season. At Springfield Heating & Cooling, we value our customer support in helping you throughout this process by advising and serving you in any way your household may require.

Why is it Important to Test My Air Conditioner?

When spring begins to reveal itself, it is the perfect time to test your air conditioner. Ohio’s humidity can be brutal, and you don’t want to wait until you are melting in your home only to discover your air conditioner isn’t functioning to its true potential. When giving your AC a promising test run, let it run for about half an hour while looking for signs of malfunction. The first thing to be on the lookout for is proper airflow. Make sure there isn’t any obstructed ventilation. If the airflow feels hesitant and inadequate, there may be a problem with your AC. Next, listen near your AC cabinet for any unusual noises. If you hear anything significant, such as hissing, knocking, clicking, scraping, or screeching, please contact Springfield Heating & Cooling professionals to investigate further. Lastly, assess the air distribution. Ask yourself if all of the rooms cooling down properly? Remember that some rooms may seem inherently warmer, but if you experience any noteworthy “hot spots,” it may be time to give us a call. No matter the job, big or small, we are here to assist!

What are the Advantages of Keeping Doors and Windows Shut?

Now let’s assume it’s a beautiful spring day and you’re winding down at home. What’s the first thing you’d feel urged to do? Most people feel the desire to open up their doors and windows, so you are not alone if that was your first thought! This response is characteristic of us humans. While this effort may seem like a fantastic way to lower energy expenses, leaving the doors and windows open can raise a few concerns. When allowing in the spring air, you also open your home to allergens. Allergens can stuff up your nose and your air filter as well. Plus, inviting warm, wet spring air can strain your HVAC system. Therefore,  pushing your system to work harder to remove moisture, which in the long run, will cause your HVAC’s efficiency to reduce as your energy costs grow. That is not what you want for your pockets or your home!

What is the Importance of Having Clean Condensation Piping?

Getting service calls for a water leak or blocked condensate drain line is relatively standard as we approach warmer weather. Thus, air conditioning businesses become very busy during the warm/humid Ohio weather; it is in your best interest to think about your household’s future and view this service as a preventative before it becomes necessary. At Springfield Heating & Cooling, we are pleased to service your home’s system, but there are also some measures you can take yourselves while you wait for our help. First off, if water is trickling/pooling from the condensate line or drain pan, turn the system off immediately. We also suggest you look for any barriers and mop up any sitting water as much as possible. Lastly, give our professionals a call! PVC piping is typical for a condensate line, but it can plug up quickly over time without proper review. You’d be astonished by some of the things we can uncover: clogging up your drain! In some cases, we see the piping hasn’t been rightly installed or conducted as a whole, which is not ideal for you or your home’s HVAC system!

Why is it Important to Clear Obstructions Around the Outside of the HVAC System?

An Air Conditioner located outside your home is open and exposed to the outdoor elements. In addition, as the chilly temperatures fade, plants and vegetation blossom. Accordingly, you must inspect your unit at least two times a month and remove any loose vegetation and debris so your home’s system can effectively accomplish its intended purpose. We also propose that your HVAC system be free of any standing vegetation growing within two feet of the unit, enabling your air conditioner to pull in the air required to preserve the temperature within your home.

What are the Advantages of a Clean Air Filter?

There are numerous motivations to keep a clean air filter while preparing for spring. The first is straightforward; a clean air filter indicates clean air indoors. As you can imagine, your air filter collects various dust, spores, hair, dander, and other disfavored particles that get circulated through your air conditioning system. You don’t want debris fragments drifting around your home, breathed in by you and your loved ones. Exchanging out your home’s air filter ensures your home has cleaner, healthier, and fresher air for the upcoming season. Cleaner air encourages not only good health but also a more hygienic household. Last but not least, a clean air filter enables your HVAC system to run more smoothly and effectively, discouraging any needless trouble or costs. Therefore, it’s crucial to review your air filter at least once a month.

Why is Scheduling Routine Maintenance Crucial?

While we went over some things you can do to ready your home for spring, it is still in your best interest to have your HVAC unit examined by an expert. Of course, there will forever be the possibility for human error, but it is less probable to occur when done by someone educated and experienced in the area. On top of that, a licensed professional will be able to take a more thorough look at your system by examining connections, taking readings, and evaluating refrigerant pressures. Finally, a skilled professional can also suspect better whether there is potential for future problems affecting your home’s HVAC unit.

As a homeowner, we understand the desire and need to keep your home a thriving and pleasing environment. While we have a lot of knowledge to share with you, we don’t want you to feel overcome by this process. We are ready to help you navigate the path to preparing your home for the spring weather. Call Springfield Heating & Cooling today at (937) 350-1881, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here! We eagerly await your call!

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